Proseal Spray Foam Insulation
Proseal Spray Foam is an insulating material that comes in a liquid form and is sprayed on the home, commercial building or pole barn to fill in and seal every nook and cranny. It is typically installed by a professional technician. There are both open and closed cell foam options. The difference between the two is that closed cell is a more dense and physically stronger option while open cell is a lighter more flexible material.
Air leakage is the leading cause of high energy bills year-round, and only spray foam insulation seals the building envelope, preventing this unwanted energy loss. By stopping the leakage, your furnace and air conditioner don’t need to run as frequently, which significantly reduces your energy costs.
Proseal Spray Foam: A Comprehensive Guide
In addition, the spray foam insulation creates an effective vapor barrier that helps prevent mold and condensation in walls that are often found when there is a large gap between the outside temperature and inside wall temperatures. This can save on maintenance and improve the overall durability of your house.
The foam is made from an inert polymer that is designed to last indefinitely, meaning it will not need replacing and does not decompose or absorb moisture into the home’s structure. It also requires fewer resources to produce compared to traditional cellulose or fiberglass insulation.
One of the drawbacks of spray foam insulation is that the blowing agent, which contains hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), has a global warming potential (GWP) over 3,400 times higher than carbon dioxide on a per-kilo basis. The good news is that spray foam insulation companies have begun using an alternative blowing agent known as Ecomate that does not contribute to climate change.
“Proseal Spray Foam
825 W Main St, Hortonville, WI 54944
(715) 467-7165